• Bro. Runhuan Liu •

A Pattern of Following the Ministry

Brother Runhuan Liu, a Lord’s servant, in his early years in Chungking had met Brother Watchman Nee in person and received his leading and perfecting in spiritual matters. Later Brother Runhuan came to Taiwan, in the initial building up of Church in Taipei, he served in coordination with Brother Witness Lee. At that time, tape recorders were not available yet, however, Brother Liu had learned to record in short hand. As a result, in the early days, all the messages that Brother Lee released in the church were recorded in short hand by Brother Liu, and then they were translated to be kept. Therefore, today as we enjoy the ministry of the word that Brother Lee released in the early days, we should also be grateful to Brother Liu for the portion that he had ever devoted his labor into such kind of serving.

Brother Liu has said: “The Lord’s recovery is not an organization, neither does it consist in practices. Instead, the Lord’s recovery consists in the Lord Himself. The Lord has shown us specifically that He raised up the Ministry of the word for His specific commission and also raised up the prophets to present the Lord’s word to us. Hence, we must know the ministry of the New Testament that we can be always kept in the central lane of the Lord’s recovery. Thank the Lord, we have the two brothers before us. Although they had passed away, the inheritance that they had left was rich and sufficient.”

What Brother Runhuan Liu touched us most deeply, was that both his fellowship and his humanity were exceedingly sweet, fine and even. One of his favorite Bible verses is what Paul said: “Be imitators of me, as I also am of Christ.”(1 Cor.11:1) Brother Liu was just like the apostle Paul. This was the wonderful, excellent, and mysterious God-man, who lived in the Gospels, continuing to live through one of His many members. (Acts 28:19, footnote 1)

The hymn: “Let me love and not be requited. / Let me serve and not be rewarded…With my blood and tears pay the price to gain the crown, / Suffer loss that I might a pilgrim’s life live out” composed by Brother Nee had been hung on the wall in Brother Runhuan Liu’s home. This is what he had committed to for his whole life. Not merely his care for the saints, but even his care for his own immediate family members made them feel sweet, refreshing, and forbearing. Although he was from a humble origin, and did not have any outward enjoyment and splendor in his life, yet he lived a noble and glorious life, flowing out the Lord’s excellent life.

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